Tuesday, August 26

Competition Entry

I've submitted 'Exoticism', 'Another Summer Day' and 'Unsent Letters' to Aesthetica's annual competition, the latter two heavily editted compared with their appearances in the uni mag. It's a competition that charges, but I do think that's reasonable for a reputable competition with cash prizes. Most magazines hold competitions to raise funds, and considering the prize money (let alone the cost of producing the annual itself) they need least 1500 entries to break even.

I sent out a brief flurry of emails recently, including one about the entry requirements for this competition. Another was to Melrose Books, who advertised for submissions to an upcoming anthology in Aesthetica's recent mag. After a week, I learned that the anthology was cancelled (though their website is still soliciting for entries), and that they're a 'commissioned' publisher. You commission them to produce your books for between £4000 and £6000. As far as I can tell, that's not unreasonable for a legitimate fee-charging publisher, which makes me wonder how anyone can afford to self-publish! Well, with any quality, anyway.

The other magazine I emailed hasn't replied, which I shall take as a 'no' to my question 'do you still exist?'

I'm still editing the selkie story, having received proof-read copies back from two out of four beta-readers. With the edits on the short stories, it's in danger of becoming a bit of a slog, and I'm looking at it now wondering why I've highlighted large chunks. I've worked through three quarters of the suggestions now, so we're doing alright. I just hope the other two betas don't come up with eighty more entirely different suggestions!

It still needs a title, alas. If this blog has more readers I'd do a little competition, with one of my seal charms as a prize, but I don't think that's going to work!

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